For some inexplicable reason, people are always confusing our Bill with Bill Pullman. How many times has this happened to you: You tell a friend you’re a fan of Bill Paxton, and that friend says, “Wasn’t he in Independence Day?” or “He was great in While You Were Sleeping.” Nope, different other Bill.
So for all your Bill-impaired friends out there, here’s a simple little side-by-side comparison to help them tell which Bill is which.
INDEPENDENCE DAY: President of the United States battling aliens |
ALIENS: Hysterical Marine trying not to battle aliens |
WHILE YOU WERE SLEEPING: Boyfriend of Sandra Bullock |
EVENING STAR: Boytoy of Shirley MacLaine |
LOST HIGHWAY: Everyman caught in a David Lynch film |
BOXING HELENA: Wacko boyfriend caught in David Lynch’s daughter’s film |
THE SERPENT AND THE RAINBOW: Industrial chemist studying Haitian zombie lore |
NEAR DARK: Redneck vampire |
CASPER: Terrorized in a haunted house by cartoon ghosts |
TRUE LIES: Terrorized in his underwear by Arnold Schwartzenegger |