
Squirrels chuck and jays screech
Tree branches creak in the wind
The sounds of morning

I think I’ve figured out why Spot wasn’t sleeping with me for a couple of nights—he didn’t like the smell of the herbal insect repellent I was using to try to keep the fleas off me. Turns out it’s a cat repellent also! It has eucalyptus oil and lemongrass oil in it, so it does have a rather strong odor. I didn’t use it last night, and Spot snuggled with me all night, so I guess if I want my furry bedwarmer, I’ll have to stop using the Burt’s Bees Insect Repellent, at least at night. I can use the Mosquito Magic instead, Spot doesn’t seem to mind that. It’s very salty, though, and can get irritating to my skin. The Burt’s Bees stuff is very oily, though, so it’s not that appealing, either. In another week, I can give the kitties another dose of Spot On, so that should help get rid of the bugs.

I didn’t do my run yesterday (not unexpected). I was too tired when I got home. So I guess I’ll be doing my midweek runs two days in a row. Oh well, I don’t think it will be a problem. I don’t have to go to work until 1:30 today, so there should be plenty of time to run and still go into town early to get some cat food for Spot. I used the very last of his food this morning, so that’s a task that can’t be put off.

The weekly Farmer’s Market is today. I may stop in after work and pick up some fruit and veg.

I investigated the re-posting of my LJ to my JournalFen account last night, and it seemed to work very well. I found the one post that didn’t copy over. Strangely, it was just plain text—no images, no cuts, no polls, nothing that should have munged the download/copy. The icon I’d used on the missing post—my Jerry icon, which I’m fairly sure I only used on that one post—also didn’t download. But I was easily able to add the icon and copy over the post by hand, so all my icons and posts are now on JF.

The only other problem was that the icons on the JF posts all reverted to default. I suspect it’s because the version of the LJ code that JF is using is an old one that switches to your default icon if it can’t find the specified icon. The way ljmigrate works is that it downloads your icons, then it downloads posts and copies them over to the new site. So your icons—unless you’ve transferred them over before you migrated—aren’t there yet when your posts are copied over. With the newer versions of the code, the icons don’t revert to default, they just link to images that aren’t there. So you can upload your icons afterwards and the links will then work. With JF, the links have already been changed to default, so uploading your icons doesn’t do any good. You end up having to edit each post to change the icon back to what it was originally.

I went through my first page of 20 posts and added back the original icons. I figured it didn’t really matter with the older posts, but I’ll probably go back and fix those, too, eventually.

The other thing is that JF doesn’t have tags, so I have no way to find the con posts, for example, or the Japan trip reports. I expect I’ll create memory categories for those as I go back and edit the icons.

It probably would have been easier to migrate to GJ or IJ, which have the newer versions of the code. Oh well. I like having it on JF, I’ll just live with JF’s quirks.

Mr. Spot snoozes on the bookcase in the sun room. I can never get a photo of him totally asleep, because he always wakes up and peers at me when I come close enough to take a picture.

Spot on the bookcase

Written by Cody Nelson in: daily ramble |

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