
An orange cat walks by,
His tail in the air, alert,
Paws treading softly

A day off! And I’m going to spend it cleaning. First, the bathroom and bare floors, and then the kitties’ room. I may get ambitious in there… I have been thinking more and more of getting rid of the bed and carpet in there, and installing an easily washable vinyl floor and some cat furniture, and turn it into a real kitties’ room. Especially now that there are two kitties living in there (and one of them long-haired), the place is so full of cat hair and spilled litter and so on, it’s very hard to clean. I think I might just haul out the bed today, as a first step, and vacuum the carpet thoroughly, and perhaps wash the blue blanket. Then start looking into something for the floors. I can use the carpet to build cat furniture. And find other places for the file cabinets and such that are still in there. Get some cheerful kitty prints for the walls and move Fred Astaire somewhere else. (I don’t know where, I took him out of there already once, but couldn’t find an alternate place to hang him. He might end up in a closet.)

Obviously, it’s going to be a long-term project—and I already have projects I should be working on, like cutting wood for winter and fixing the window screens and so forth—but I really want to work on getting the inside of my house fixed up, too. To that end, I need to continue copying VHS tapes and getting rid of them, so I can free up the space the tapes are taking up. I’ve also been thinking, since I’ve been going back through my books on LibraryThing and adding cover images to all the listings, that I’d really like to get at least one more big bookcase, so I can stop double-shelving books.

My super-ambitious plan for the future is to tear this place down and build a nice log house on the site, with an upstairs and more room… don’t know if I’ll ever do that, but I would like to fix this place up better. It needs paint, for one thing, and I’d like to screen in the porch and fix the floor in the utility room and….

And here I am, having a hard time getting even the most basic housecleaning done on a regular basis. Sigh. I wish I could manage to feel energetic and ambitious at least more than half the time, instead of spending weeks at a time sitting on the couch,  just getting the bare minimum of keeping food in the house and the animals taken care of.

I also need to do my run today. I never did do my Wednesday run, so it’s going to be only one midweek run this week. I’m only doing six miles this weekend, though. I might even just do it around the house instead of driving into town. Or I might do it at the track. We’ll see.

The other morning, Spot was taking a snooze in his carrier. It must have been cooler on the bare plastic than on the carpet.

Spot in carrier

Written by Cody Nelson in: daily ramble |

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