
Projects abandoned / I want to do them all, but / When will there be time?

Between doing my morning run and finally posting my comments on “Women’s Work” in my lj, I didn’t have time to blog yesterday. Not that there was anything that important to write about. I’m still a little worried about Spot, but I think he’s getting better. Mom had noticed that he was drinking a lot, and he does drink a lot of water, so I mentioned that when I called the vets yesterday to report on his status. The vet tech called me last night and we talked. I told her he still has trouble jumping up onto things, although he does seem to be doing it more than before, and also that he hadn’t pooped that I’d seen, but he could have gone outside, and his abdomen doesn’t feel tight like it did when I took him in. She said his blood work was normal, and the prescription food he’s eating to prevent crystals in his urine is designed to encourage him to drink a lot, so the water drinking doesn’t seem to be a problem. She said she’d talk to the vet again and call me this morning. They might give me some anti-inflammatory meds for him to take for a couple of days to keep the pain down. Anyway, I can’t help worrying about him when he’s not 100%, but I think he’s getting better.

I feel like sitting on the couch and doing nothing at all for about three days. I don’t know how people who have kids can do it—I get so stressed when my pets get sick, it drains me. But I’ve got work this afternoon, and then on Friday I take Mom to Lancaster for an eye appointment, and Saturday is our annual POA meeting as well as work. (I’m half-tempted to skip it. I haven’t RSVP’d, so they won’t miss me.) Sunday I do my run, but at least it’s a short run this week, only seven miles. Then Monday, I have to do whatever housework and grocery shopping is going to get done this week. I haven’t had time to chat in a couple of weeks, I want to be able to fit that in this week. There will be no sitting-around-doing-nothing days this week, but I will try to fit in some leisure if I can.

Spot just came in and jumped up to the back of the couch, then to the top of the fish tank, in his usual energetic fashion. I am encouraged. His back must be getting better. Yay my kitty!

I am nearly through going through my journal entries on  LiveJournal and JournalFen, comparing and fixing them up. I’m now back before LJ’s scrapbook, when I was using an Earthlink account a friend had set up for me to store my photos. It has long since been deleted, so the links are broken in both places, and I’m updating them both as I add the photos back to my ratandfox folder.

It was kind of weird going back through my 2004 Year of Cancer entries. That was a hard, hard year, what with all the treatments, and losing Bitsy and Felix and having a friend commit suicide as well. I pretty much shouldered through it, and then went to pieces a year later. I’m still recovering from it in some ways, and learning to deal with the conditions I won’t recover from. The hardest thing to deal with, I think, is the sense that I no longer have unlimited amounts of time stretching out before me. I always knew, in a hazy sort of way, that I would die some day, but that day seemed far enough away that it wasn’t part of my awareness. It was just some nebulous, far away thing, that I didn’t have to think about. Now I feel that the fog has cleared away and I can see it out there in the distance, and my time has a definite limit on it. It’s still a substantial amount of time left, I hope, but finite.

Well, enough philosophizing for one day. Continuing with my latest series of pictures, this is “Flossie” from the Flossie Flops booth at the Mountain Festival Fair. Flossie Flops is an annual fundraiser for the Tehachapi Western Events Association, of which my brother is president. They put on events like ranch sorting competitions and trail rides, and sponsor youth organizations in the area like the FFA.

Flossie Flops is sort of like a bingo game. An imaginary grid is laid out over Flossie’s pen, she marks the winning square by depositing her “flops” on it.

This year’s Flossie was the sweetest thing. She came right over to be petted, and her coat was soft and thick. I wanted to take her home with me!


Written by Cody Nelson in: daily ramble |

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