
Fourteen miles today/ Over half a marathon/ The journey goes on

Spot is still at the vets, poor kitty. They took x-rays, did blood work, gave him IV fluids, and said that he was in pain in his lower back, but there was no apparent injury, so probably it was an old injury he’d aggravated somehow that was making him hurt, which is why he couldn’t run or jump as usual. And the pain made it difficult for him to poop, so he’d gotten badly constipated and needed to be cleaned out. The vet said they’d give him pain meds and an enema and wait to see if he had a bowel movement. If he did, then I could take him home in the afternoon, but if he didn’t, they’d want him to stay over the weekend so they could continue trying to get him to poop.

I went ahead to work, then called the vets around 3 pm. He still hadn’t pooped, and was getting another enema. By the time I left work, and the vet’s office closed for the day, he still hadn’t pooped, so they will continue giving enemas and waiting. Since the office is closed today, no one will call unless there’s a problem. So now I must just wait and hope. If his guts finally start working again today, I can take him home tomorrow.

I forgot to give the vets my cell phone number so they could reach me today in case of a problem. I wondered about how I could get it to them, from taping a note on the office door this morning to calling home every hour to check for messages, then finally it occurred to me that I could just change the message on my answering machine to say, “If you need to reach me right away, please call my cell phone at xxx-xxxx.” And there you go.

I slept fairly well last night, and got up promptly at 6 am. It’s just 7 am now, so I should have no problem being on the road starting my run by 8 am. But I’d better get going and start getting ready now.

Here is a picture from the LA Marathon in March 2004, taken just as I was passing Mile 8. I don’t know where my pictures from Honolulu are, I know I took a bunch, but I don’t have a folder for them in my pictures folder.

LA Marathon, mile 8

Written by Cody Nelson in: daily ramble |

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