
I forgot to write
A haiku for today’s post
My post looks so sad

So… Van Halen and David Lee Roth are back together again. Who besides me thinks this will end badly? Heh. I love David Lee, and I loved Van Halen when he was with them, but didn’t they try this once before? And broke up again before they finished their first concert? Well, maybe they’ve mellowed. Or maybe Eddie’s broke. Anyway, I’d go see ’em, but they probably won’t be playing around here!

(Okay, checked their web site, and the closest they’re playing is LA. Tuesday, November 20. That’s gonna be impossible. Pipe dream, dude, give it up! (Even as I’m thinking, well, if I left right after work and had a hotel room in LA….))

So. Yesterday kind of sucked. I finished up my morning chores and was starting to work on cleaning the bathroom, when I opened the back door to take the rugs out, and it was half-stuck shut and I thought, I can’t stand it any more, I’m going to fix the back door! Thinking it would take maybe half an hour and then I’d get on with cleaning the bathroom. But it was not to be. I fussed and swore and sweated and tripped over tools and unscrewed the top hinge, filled the screw holes with wooden matches, then re-screwed it at least three times, and still couldn’t get it flush with the hinge plate so it would close properly. Finally, in frustration, I yanked out the board I was using to prop the door up (pulling up one of the floor tiles while I was at it), and the middle hinge came loose as well. Aargh!

But, as it turned out, unscrewing the middle hinge as well was the key to fixing the door properly. With the door able to swing free from the bottom hinge, I was able to fit the top hinge where it should be, and then screw the middle hinge back in, and the door was fixed! Finally!

But by then, I was so tired and hot and wound up, I had totally exhausted myself. Mom called to invite me to lunch at her place, so I went there to eat and relax a bit, then came home and took a warm bath. By then, it was after 2 pm, and I figured I’d better go do my grocery shopping before it got too late, and finish the housework afterwards. Then I remembered I still had to clean the fish tank, plus Monday night is my weekly chat with a friend. Clearly, I wasn’t going to be able to do everything. So I emailed my friend to cancel our chat, went into town to stop by the post office and do my shopping, cleaned the fish tank when I got home, and called it a night.

When Mom came down to pick up her mail, I was so frustrated I was pacing around like a caged animal. Yet another weekend gone by without being able to get the bathroom and floors cleaned. Every day for three days I got up thinking, today I will clean the bathroom. And every day, something else happened to prevent it. Another chore came up, I was too tired, whatever. As I was complaining about it, Mom said she’d come down today and clean my bathroom for me. Which is nice… but I also feel like a jerk letting my Mom do my housework for me. Surely there should have been an hour in there somewhere where I could have cleaned the bathroom. Why is it so freaking impossible for me to get a little basic housecleaning done? This has been going on for weeks. Yeah, I got some stuff done that needed to be done—cleaning up the kitties’ room was a big job, it was good to get that done, and the back door’s been bugging me for weeks. I couldn’t very well tell my Mom when her electricity stopped working that I had to clean the bathroom instead of coming up to fix it. And sometimes I just flat-out run out of steam.

I think running out of steam is the big problem. There would be time for everything if I didn’t get so tired so easily. Of course, the heat has been part of it lately—when the temperature’s over 90F, one has to slow down a little. But other than that… I don’t know. I try to eat right, get plenty of sleep, exercise, and I’m still dragging most of the time.

Anyway, I got up early enough this morning to go do my run before work today, if I don’t waste too much time online! So I’m going to go run now.

Here’s a picture of some purple flowers that grew in my yard one year.

Purple flowers

Written by Cody Nelson in: daily ramble |

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