
Little feet scamper / Back and forth over my head / Mice in the ceiling

Or possibly squirrels… I have quite a zoo living “upstairs” this year—every morning, I hear little critters of some kind scurrying around overhead. Not sure what, if anything can be done about them. There’s no way to block them from getting up there without major remodeling—the attic is open to the garage all the way along its length, so it’s easy for critters to get up there (including me—the one time I locked myself out of the house, I got back in by climbing up into the attic crawlspace from inside the garage, over to the attic door, and dropping down onto the couch in the sunroom). Putting poison up there would only result in lots of stinky dead animals in my ceiling. Maybe build a ramp so a cat can get up there? I dunno, I think I’m kind of stuck with critters living up there.

Yesterday was In Town day. Mom and I headed in around 10:30 am, and started out by getting gas (it’s down to $2.79! Hope it continues to drop, although there’ll probably be a spike up around Labor Day), going to the post office, and washing my truck. We tried out the new “Sail Thru” car wash on Tucker—one of those automatic ones where you set your truck on a rail that pulls you through all sorts of brushes and streams of water. It did a pretty good job, although it’s still a lot cheaper to do it myself at the self-service car wash next door.

Then we went to the flooring place on Tehachapi Blvd. (There are actually two flooring places on Tehachapi Blvd. We went to the newest one. I don’t remember the name, but it’s by the tire store.) Quickly picked out some heavy-duty on-sale vinyl, and arranged for the woman to come out in the afternoon and measure my floors. That all took so little time that we went ahead and went grocery shopping before lunch at Que Pasa. It was good, but we both agreed that Gracian’s is still our favorite Mexican food place in town.

After lunch, all that was left was to go to Home Depot to pick up some edging stones for Mom, then home to unload everything. Not long after, the woman from the flooring place came out to measure the kitties’ room and utility room. She called later with a proposal of $360 to do both rooms, installation included. Seems like a good deal to me, so I’m going to stop by there this morning to pay and arrange for a time for them to come and do the installation. I’ll have to pull out the carpet myself (they would have done it for additional cost, but I think it will be easy enough to do myself, so I’d rather save the money), but they’ll install the vinyl over the tile in the utility room. So, I’ll have to get everything out of both rooms (and figure out what I’m going to do with the kitties while their room is being torn apart—probably stick Socks outside in her enclosure and put Jerry in the bathroom) and pull up the carpet in the morning before the installers come. I can empty the utility room the night before (put everything out on the back porch or in the sun room), but I don’t want to disrupt the kitties too much in advance. Maybe take out the little chest of drawers the night before, but save the file boxes and other stuff for the morning. I hope the carpet doesn’t take too long to pull up. Mom will come and help me, I’m sure.

That was it for yesterday. Still no housecleaning! Argh. The kitchen floor is getting so dirty.

I also finished cleaning up my JournalFen backup, doing an ljmigrate and then going back and deleting all the duplicates. I finally decided to put the blog thing entries on my lj. It seems like better continuity to put it there. I made an icon to use just for those entries— it’s a tiny version of the old blog thing layout: blog thing icon. The dates are when I was using the blog. It’s pretty, I think. I always liked that layout, so I’m glad to have some tiny form of it preserved on the net. And they’ll all be tagged “blog thing” so they’ll be easy to find, if someone should actually want to find them. I’ve already posted all of February and most of March. I would have finished March last night, but my ftp went flooey and I couldn’t upload the pictures I wanted to use.

Some day, I must start producing new content again, instead of laboriously cleaning up and reposting old content. I’ve redone my fic site, consolidated all my marathon journals into one, cleaned up and backed up my LJ, and now I’m doing the clean up and repost thing for my oldest blog. After that… well, I’ve still got LibraryThing to finish. Maybe then I’ll have to start working on my Yu-Gi-Oh! site again! It’s been over a year since I updated that, sigh. I never wanted to stop working on it, I just lost my energy for it.

(Yeah, I suppose this blog could be considered “new content,” but, except for the photos, I don’t think I’m really producing anything of interest here, I’m just rambling on.)

The second event at the rodeo was calf roping and tying. This picture shows the calf un-tyers—they came out and turned the calf loose after the roper was finished with him.

Calf roping and tying at the rodeo

Written by Cody Nelson in: daily ramble |

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