
Lazy Sunday

In about five minutes, I’ll be heading down to the shed to turn off the water pump and generator, and with that, today’s list of Things To Do will be done. It was a short list today:

  1. run three miles
  2. clean the fish tank
  3. pump water

Along with those three items, I did a load of laundry and hung it outside to dry (I love the smell of line-dried laundry), and had lunch with my Mom at her place. She made orange roughie, cole slaw, and potato salad. A real picnic-type lunch!

Oh, and I installed WordPress on my website, so now I have a Blog of My Own. Not sure I really need one, but what with the latest LJ brouhaha, and everyone scattering to set up new accounts with all the other journaling sites, I just decided to set up one here. Maybe I’ll use it for my daily personal meanderings.

What’s the latest count of blogs and journals? Let’s see, two LiveJournals, two JournalFens, one GreatestJournal, one InsaneJournal, and three blogspots.

And now there’s this.

Written by Cody Nelson in: daily ramble |

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