
red cheeks and cold hands
the wind whips through my sweatshirt
run fast to keep warm

I got up early again today… one of these days, I’m going to have to start considering 6:30–7:00 am to be my normal getting-up time, and stop saying that I got up early!

Got out there around 7:30 to do my run in the cold wind. Brr! And here it is 9:45 and I’m showered and breakfasted and ready for the day. I even took the time to add a couple of stories to my new fic archive this morning. I like having all this time before I go to work! I have a feeling it might have been the anti-depressants making me so tired, because I don’t think I’ve slept in late since I stopped taking them, and I’ve been feeling less enervated. (If that’s true, it kind of sucks that the whole time I was taking anti-depressants, they did nothing for my mood, but made me tired and sick to my stomach. Oh well, I’m done with them now.)

The fic archive is going well. Figured out a good way to add the novels. making a post with the headers and links to the parts, while making the individual parts pages. That way only the main post shows up in the listing. I’ve also fiddled a bit with the sidebar. Still not perfect, but getting better.

It’s kind of fun going through my stories one by one and reformatting them to upload. I’m not really reading them, but skimming through enough to remind me of my old X-Files days. Some of that stuff was pretty good, I think.

I’m considering going ahead and putting Alex Through the Looking Glass on the archive, too. I suppose I’ll make some attempt to contact M and get her okay on posting it, but I doubt she’ll answer me now since she never answered any of my other queries about it. But I’ll give her the opportunity to say no if she wants to.

I had my three-month review at work yesterday. K marked me “Standard” in every category but two—I forget exactly what they were, but something like helpfulness and… customer-service things, anyway. She says she likes the way I am with the patrons, always calm and helpful and that I explain things well. So go me! It’s funny, I’ve never had a job in my life before where I dealt with the public, and always thought I’d be horrible at customer service. But now here I am doing it, and even being told it’s my best aspect. I couldn’t have done it in years past, though. It’s only in the last few years that I’ve gotten secure enough in myself to be able to enjoy working with the public.

This weekend, my cousin R and her friend are visiting from Minnesota. They’ll just be here Friday afternoon through Sunday afternoon. Mom wants us all to get together for dinner Friday. I’ve got work Saturday afternoon and a four-mile run on Sunday, so I don’t know how much time I’ll have to spend with them, but probably Friday afternoon and evening at least.

The wildflowers have been few this year, because of the dry winter and spring, but we have had some gorgeous fields of California poppies. Here’s a photo I took a few years back of some poppies at the side of the road.


Written by Cody Nelson in: daily ramble |

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