
journals multiply
sprouting like weeds in the yard
where will we end up?

I have finally tamed my four main friendslists to my satisfaction. I didn’t like the Dear Diary layout I was using on InsaneJournal, so I fiddled some more with it and discovered that I could indeed enter overrides on S1 styles (they’d moved the box to another page, but it was there), so I switched back to S1 and Generator with the font size override, same as I have for JournalFen and GreatestJournal. Now I’ve got my four friendslists lined up in my tabs: LiveJournal in Flexible Squares, then the rest all in Generator: JournalFen in gray, GreatestJournal in blue, and InsaneJournal in green. A different color for each of the others in hopes that I’ll be able to tell them apart, but I’m always getting them mixed up. Heh.

Each one has its appeal. Despite LiveJournal’s recent brouhaha, I still like that site best, if only for ease of reading. (When the others get “?style=mine,” I’ll be more inclined to switch. I can tweak my own layout as much as I want in the others, but as soon as I try to read or post comments, I’m still at the mercy of everybody else’s layouts.) Half my lj friendslist isn’t even fannish any more, it’s cat communities and syndicated feeds and cute baaaaaaby animals and so on. And I’ve got a permanent account there, what can I say? I’m not going to abandon it altogether, whether I end up posting more on one of the other systems or not.

JournalFen I’ve been using for a while now already. I got my account there mainly so I could create a friendslist of the communities I wanted to watch, and then I started using my journal there to keep track of movies and DVDs I was watching. My second JF account I’ve used for various purposes, my latest plan was to make it a backup for LJ and crosspost all my posts there. I ended up making one post there and since then have forgotten. Meh. I don’t really care if everything’s backed up or not. There’s nothing on there I’d really care if I lost. My fiction is doubly backed up and archived and has its own site anyway. The rest is just babble. (I did download Xjournal and exported my whole lj just for the heck of it, but I doubt I’ll ever even look at the file.)

GreatestJournal is where the community is that’s been keeping track of all the news about LJ Strikethrough07. Now that that’s dying down, there’s not that much to see there, but I have a couple of friends who have or plan to move there, so I check the flist anyway.

InsaneJournal seems to be most active in terms of new fannish activity going on. I have one friend there who’s moved off of LJ completely and only posts there, and I’ve joined a horror community and may end up posting there. For me, though, it’s the least attractive of the journaling sites. The default layout is ugly orange with tiny, tiny type, and is covered with ads. I could get rid of the ads by paying for an account ($30 for a permanent account, which is a good deal, but I’m not sure I want to pay for another journal right now), but unless they change their layout or add ?style=mine, I’m stuck with the ugly, hard-to-read layout for reading comments and such.

I’ve also signed up for an accounts with Multiply and Twitter, neither of which I use at the moment. I did delete my Vox account! Heh. One gone, and another five added…. I also deleted the two blogspot blogs I had that I never use. I have my marathon training blog there, that one I’ll keep.

And speaking of marathon training, it’s about time to get out there and do my Friday run. Here’s a picture I took of my shadow running in the LA Marathon in March, 2006. I took it by accident, but I kind of like the way it turned out.

running in la

Written by Cody Nelson in: daily ramble |

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