
Outside my window
chirping birds and rustling leaves
the morning begins

I got up early this morning, as I’ve been doing lately—a little before 7 am. I actually woke up at 5:30 or so and had to make myself go back to sleep. I didn’t feel tired, but I didn’t go to bed last night until 11:30 and wanted to have at least eight hours in bed. Which I didn’t quite make, but I feel fine. I’ve been sleeping a little better lately, and not getting so tired during the day. Not sure why, maybe the anti-depressants had been making me tired, and now that I’m off them, I’m getting my energy back. Or maybe the running is finally having its effect. In any case, it sure is nice to have these extra hours.

For today:

  1. clean the bathroom
  2. clean the sun room
  3. clean the back room
  4. empty the clump bucket
  5. buy groceries
  6. 5 pm chat with M

I’ve scheduled myself a full day, trying to catch up on the housecleaning. I’m not sure if I’ll get to the back room; probably not, but if I finish the other chores and still have time, I’ll start on it. I’m thinking that I’ll clean house till noon or so, then take a break for lunch before heading into town for grocery shopping and errands. Some of the things on my “grocery list” aren’t actually groceries, and I may need to make a few other stops.

With regular TV all in reruns these days, I’m finally finishing up watching my SGA Season 2 DVDs. I’d already watched the first four discs and had only one disc to go when I inexplicably stopped. Last night, I watched “Inferno,” which was a really good episode—plenty of excitement and action and Rodney, while being his usual hyper self, was actually amusing to me instead of making me want to go, “SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP!!!!” I love the way John was needling him, too, taunting him into figuring out a way to save the day.

One more episode and that DVD set is finally done! I’ve still got four more to finish: Seasons 1 and 2 of Miami Vice, the Profitt arc of Wiseguy (I was clicking along pretty well on that until I made the mistake of listening to Ken Wahl’s commentary on “A Player to Be Named Now.” I’d forgotten what a jerk Wahl can be. Had to take a break from the DVDs to get the bad taste out of my brain), Season 1 of Supernatural, and Season 3 of the Transformers. Plus a big stack of single DVDs, I don’t even remember what all I’ve got.

Every time I get tempted to sign up for a free trial of Netflix, I remind myself of all the DVDs sitting around here already waiting for me to watch. When I finally get through those, maybe. Plus, those DVD-by-mail services don’t work for me—I don’t watch enough DVDs, I end up paying $$$ for DVDs that sit around for months unwatched. If I want to rent anything, I should first check and see if our library has it—I get those DVDs for free! And if not, there’s always the Blockbuster store in town. Cheaper for me just to rent them individually.

For today’s photo, here’s my current wallpaper: my cat Spot.


Written by Cody Nelson in: daily ramble |

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