
six miles down the road
the marathon draws closer
twenty miles to go

Six miles today seems sort of momentous, somehow. It’s not really that long—especially not when compared to the full 26.2—but it feels as though I’m finally starting to do “long runs” on the weekend, and not just a bit longer midweek runs. Maybe it’s because I’ve decided to drive to the mailboxes and do my run in town today—it feels more like an event than just falling out my door and running around the house.

I meant to get my waist-pack out and ready, but I didn’t. It should be easy enough to dig up. I think one bottle of water should be enough, but I’ll take extra in the truck. It will probably take me about an hour and forty minutes. Or so. I still wish I were faster, but there you go. It’ll take as long as it takes. It should be more interesting to run on different roads today, anyway.

I’m starting to cool off a little on the iPhone. Spending nearly $600 on tires kind of put a crimp in my spending this month. Well, I’m still waiting to see how much the service plan will cost. It’s not like I have to have it the minute it comes out. I’d like to have it for Las Vegas, if I’m going to get it, but there’s time.

And speaking of Las Vegas, I’m now thinking about getting a foam pad to sleep on, rather than an air bed. It occurs to me that there might not be enough room in the hotel room to blow up a twin-sized bed. A pad, or maybe my old featherbed, or both, would fit in whatever corner I could squeeze into. Well, there’s time to think about that, too.

My blog finally upgraded to 2.2.1 sometime during the day. I’m still waiting for my fic site to do likewise. Maybe I’ll have to go click the upgrade button again. They must have had lots of sites updating.

My mom called me yesterday morning to ask if I wanted to go to the TWEA barrel racing event. So I quick-like finished my breakfast and got dressed, and she picked me up and drove to the ranch where the event was taking place. We chatted briefly with my brother and his wife, watched some of the barrel racing, then came back to town for lunch at Henry’s. She dropped me off at work, then came back to pick me up when my shift was over. It was a pleasant day. There really is time to do stuff in the mornings before work—I tend to think if I’m working in the afternoon, I can’t do much of anything else that day, but actually, I can manage quite a full morning if I want to.

I took some photos of the barrel racing. This is one of the riders coming in from her run.

barrel racer

Written by Cody Nelson in: daily ramble |

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