
June is winding down
I have spent too much money
credit cards explode

Not really, but it feels that way.

I just went to the Dreamhost panel to upgrade my WordPress installations to 2.2.1. I haven’t received the e-mail notifications that the upgrades are done yet, so I’m living dangerously, not knowing if the upgrade will happen while I’m in the middle of writing my post. Will I lose it if it does? They said it would be 5–10 minutes, and I think it’s past that, but nothing has changed as far as I can tell. (I also clicked the “upgrade” button at least three times, because I couldn’t tell if anything had happened, so I may end up doing multiple upgrades, if the program isn’t smart enough to figure out that the upgrade is already done.)

While I was waiting for the upgrades to go through, I went to Twitter and attempted to figure out how to use it. I think I have it now… I friended David Hewlett (because all the cool kids have, OMG!) and Spike21 and Vampry. I will post a note in my lj later to see who else amongst my friends might have a Twitter. Hmm, I should add a badge to my sidebar… will wait until I’m sure I’ve upgraded. I added a badge for Catster yesterday. Badges are fun!

So. Yesterday. For some reason, I was very very tired and slow yesterday. Yet, I got quite a bit done: did my two mile run, fixed the clothesline (with Mom’s help), got new tires on my truck (yay, the truck feels much more stable and road-clingy now), and even posted Day Four of “Looking Glass.” But I did it all slowly.

The Apple site is now saying that the iPhone will be available at 6 pm on Friday. So, no need to stay up till midnight the night before to try to order one! I was considering trying to schedule an appointment with 3Way Chevrolet for next Friday to get my window and back door fixed, and then trying to find an AT&T store in Bakersfield while I was at it and buying an iPhone there. But I don’t know if I’ll want to stay in Bakersfield till after 6 pm to get the iPhone. I may just go ahead and order one online. But I need to get the work done on my truck before I head to LV, so I will probably try to make the appointment for next Friday or Monday anyway.

The season finale of Stargate Atlantis was last night. It wasn’t a great episode—not enough Ronon for that!—but it had its moments. (Most notably, John telling Rodney and Zelenka to “make out and get it over with.” Hee!) It was a cliffhanger, as season finales always are, which I find pretty annoying, but it cliff-hung in a place that’s not nearly as annoying as some. I’m looking forward to finding out how they get out of it. It won’t be too long—I think they said in September. Or November. Or some month ending in “er.”

I’m very wary about the casting thing in the previews for next season. It could be good. Could be a disaster. Will have to just wait and see.

Here is a photo of Jerry, peeking out from under the blue blanket where she was sleeping.


Written by Cody Nelson in: daily ramble |

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